01. What's New


ARCHIVE: Fertiliser Manual (RB209)
The Fertiliser Manual (the 8th Edition of RB209) replaces the old Fertiliser Recommendations 7th edition (2000). It provides recommendations for the use of lime and major nutrients (N, P, K, S, Mg, Na) on most field-grown crops including arable, grassland, field vegetables and fruit. Additionally, it provides details of the content and supply of nutrients from a wide range of organic manures, and provides a wide range of background information on nutrient management. Defra, Welsh Assembly Government and FACTS, RB209 8th Edition, ISBN 978-0-11-243286-9, June 2010.
Potash for Sugar Beet (PDA Guidance Leaflet No.12)
PDA Leaflet No. 12. This leaflet describes the potash requirements of sugar beet. May 2006.
Principles of Potash Use (PDA Guidance Leaflet No.8)
PDA leaflet number 8. It covers the basics of potash use inclucing topics such as crop uptake, sources of potash, soil analysis, benefits of manuring, organic manures, target levels, fertiliser policy and cost pressures. Originally produced April 2000, revised October 2006.
Results from Wheat Demonstration Plots (PDA Guidance Leaflet No.5a)
PDA leaflet number 5a. This leaflet demonstrates the effect of different levels of potash fertiliser on grain yield and quality and soil fertility. August 2006.