SMR 01 Wild birds


Biodiversity Action Plan (UK)
An overview of the UK National Biodiversity Action Plan produced as ADLib support information. Content produced in 2002.
Biodiversity Technical Factsheets by FWAG
This resource contains a number of Technical Factsheets published by FWAG covering topics such as owls, bats, game and song birds, moths and butterflies, wild plants and provides practical tips for improving farm biodiversity. FWAG, 2004.
Conservation (Natural Habitats etc.) Regulations (as amended)
Sites of Special Scientific Interest - SSSIs (NE54)
An Natural England document describing what an Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) is, what can damage them, legal requirements including how to give notice of operations that may affect SSSIs and types of offences. Natural England, Catalogue code NE54, ISBN 978-1-84754-036-2, 2008.
Wildbirds Directive (1979/409)
Wildlife and Countryside Act