About OASys

OASys has been developed as a prototype environmental management system (EMS) as part of a Defra funded project (Ref. IF0131) 'assessment of reduction in environmental burdens through targeted measures compared with whole farm approaches in cropping and livestock systems' (further details). The OASys EMS is a 'proof of concept' prototype, therefore it is not a fully functioning system. The purpose of this website is to introduce the concept and demonstrate some of the principles that have been developed.

The objective and purpose of the OASys tool is fully described in the Final report for the project. However, in summary the OASys tool has attempted to not 'reinvent the wheel' and to build upon existing systems and data. There is little room for additional audits in an industry that is already heavily burdened with record keeping and 'paperwork', be it for statutory or marketing purposes. OASys utilises the databases developed within this project (the Activity-Effect-Outcome (AEO) and schemes and initiatives databases) to provide a farm with an assessment of their relative strengths and weaknesses in relation to a broad range of environmental, socio-economic and animal health and welfare outcomes. A farm simply selects the enterprises, schemes and policies that are in place on the farm and this determines what activities are (or are not) being done. This results in a performance profile for the farm, which can then be interrogated to generate a list of activities that will help improve performance for one, more or all of the outcomes. This action plan is then supported with relevant help and guidance (drawn from the ADLib resource) to help users implement the suggested actions. Thus a cycle of continuous improvement is established (audit, assessment, action plan, implementation, audit, etc.).

The Activity-Effect-Outcome (AEO) database that was developed as part of the IF0131 can also be explored online - click here.

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